New Connection

Service Connection Request (SCR)

Changes in Victorian government regulation, effective 1 January 2025, mean that all new gas connections now incur an upfront connection fee.

  • Details of MGN standard gas connection  

Eligibility Criteria

Properties eligible for connection to the gas network are:

  • New dwellings that do not require a planning permit.
  • New dwellings that lodged a planning permit before 31 December 2023.
  • Renovations and extensions to existing dwellings that do not require a planning permit.

Any new homes, residential subdivisions, and apartment buildings issued with a planning permit after 01 January 2024 cannot connect to the gas network.


Submit your Connection Service Request with your selected Energy Retailer

Energy Retailers are the companies that you buy your natural gas from. They send you your energy bill, a portion of which covers the cost to transport your natural gas by companies such as AGN, Multinet Gas and Ausnet Services.

In Victoria, there are numerous energy retailers you can choose from. You can compare the pricing of all energy retailers at the Victorian Government energy comparison website.

Gas Distribution Code of Practice

Frequently Asked Questions

What has changed?

On 9 May 2024, the Essential Services Commission (ESC) of Victoria released an updated version of the Gas Distribution Code of Practice (“the Code”).

What does this mean?

a. All new gas connections are now charged upfront.

b. There will be a single ‘standard connection’ charge for connection applications that meet specific criteria. All other connections will be individually assessed and quoted.

c. The Retailer remains responsible for cost recovery from end customer.

d. Increased reporting requirements on website to provide greater transparency.

Why has it changed?

The key reason as to why the Essential Services Commission decided to amend the Code was to update the rules for new gas connections and to provide additional consumer protections for Victorian gas network customers.

What is a Non-Standard Connection (“shipper”)?

All new gas connections that do not meet the criteria for a “standard connection” will be quoted on an individual basis via the existing “Shipper” process.

What does this mean for new connection applications submitted with a Retailer before 1 January 2025?

Service Connection Requests (SCR) received prior to 01 January 2025 will be processed under the previous regulatory requirements published under Version 16 of the Victorian Gas Distribution System Code.

What is the upfront charge of a new standard connection when I lodge my application with a Retailer after 1 January 2025?

MGN - $2,022.90 incl. GST

Note: Rates applicable until 30 June 2025

How are the costs are calculated? 

MGN has evaluated actual costs based on an average of historical data for the network leading to this associated charge.   

The geography, level of urbanisation and congested environments are reflected in the network connection fees. 

I’m undertaking building work on my property and have a Planning Permit dated prior to 1 January 2024, can I apply for a new gas connection?

YES! You are eligible to apply for a new gas connection.

I’m undertaking building work on my property and I have a Planning Permit dated after 1 January 2024, can I still apply for a new gas connection?

Unfortunately, you cannot apply for a new gas connection. The Victorian Government has prohibited new gas connections for any customers that have a planning permit issued after 01 January 2024.

When does the 20-business day turnaround time for a new service connection commence?

The 20-day turnaround commences when the site is confirmed as ready as per the site readiness checklists at the link below:

Multinet gas - Site Readiness Checklist

What do I need to do to enable MGN to complete the works in 20 business days?

Please notify your planner once the site is ready. You may wish to use our site readiness checklist to confirm the site is 100% ready. Please note that site readiness includes clear access to the meter location. Additional charges may apply if our crews attend your site but are unable to lay a gas service.

What factors can impact the 20-day turnaround for a new service connection?

Please refer to the Site Readiness Checklist:

Multinet gas - Site Readiness Checklist

Who will MGN bill for a new connection, and when?

MGN will charge the Retailer who submitted the SCR upon completion of works. Please note, SCRs will be charged on completion, shippers will be charged under existing arrangements (no changes). Check with your Energy Retailer to confirm any additional charges they may apply.

I’m a Developer looking to lay reticulated gas in a new estate. How am I affected by this change?

Please contact Service Stream for more information.

Need more information? Just get in touch.

MGN Customer Service phone: 1300 887 501 (Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm AEST)

Email (MGN Stakeholder Relations):

Email (Service Stream):