New Services Application Form

By applying for the Multinet Gas Networks’ (MGN) Priority Services Program, we aim to provide you with access to additional support and services when you need them. This support can be for you, or someone else in your household.

Please note that the application cannot be processed until all sections have been completed. For more information or assistance in completing this form, please call us on 1300 427 777 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm) or email

You can also print the Priority Services application form and send to us via email or post PO Box 449 Mount Waverly VIC 3149.

Choose your request

Gas Appliance Safety Check

As a Priority Services customer, you can access a free safety check of the gas appliances in your home, including heaters, hot water systems, cook tops and ovens. We will cover the cost of this gas appliance safety check and pay the gasfitter directly.

Please complete the application form below, and we will contact you to arrange all further details. For more information or assistance in completing this form, please call 1300 427 777 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm) or email post or PO Box 449 Mt Waverley VIC 3149.

This field is required

Either phone or mobile is required

Either phone or mobile is required

Gas appliances to be checked (please select all that apply):


Hot water system

Cooktop Or Oven

Other (please specify)

0 of 100 characters

You are applying as:

Important information

From registration, Priority Service customers are eligible to access this service once in a 2-year period. Any Priority Service customers requesting this service more frequently will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

When you submit this form, you confirm that you are authorised to approve works to be conducted at your home and accept all liabilities will be between yourself and your chosen gas fitter. By submitting this form, you also acknowledge that MGN does not hold liability for any further costs, damages or losses that may result from the outlined works, except where Competition and Consumer Law applies.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us on 1300 427 777 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm) or email