Priority Services Program Application Form

By applying for the Multinet Gas Networks’ (MGN) Priority Services Program, we aim to provide you with access to additional support and services when you need them. This support can be for you, or someone else in your household.

Please note that the application cannot be processed until all sections have been completed. For more information or assistance in completing this form, please call us on 1300 427 777 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm) or email

You can also print the Priority Services application form and send to us via email or post PO Box 449 Mount Waverly VIC 3149.

Step 1> Step 2> Step 3> Step 4> Step 5>

Step 1: Applicant details

Either phone or mobile is required

Either phone or mobile is required

You will find your MIRN on your gas retail bill (often on page 2). It should also be on your gas meter.

Preferred Method of Communication (please select all that apply)

Preferred Language (please select)

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Step 2: Eligibility

The Priority Services Program has been designed to support customers who are experiencing vulnerability and need us the most. To assist us in determining if you, or someone in your household, is eligible to be included in the program we need to understand the nature of your current vulnerable circumstances.

Find out more about eligible circumstances here.

MGN will only use your personal information for the purposes for which it is collected. See our Privacy Policy for more information about the privacy protections that MGN gives your personal information.

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Step 3: Authorised Representative

As an MGN Priority Customer you can nominate an authorised representative to be added to your Priority Services account. This could be a family member, friend, or trusted neighbour, over 18 years of age.

A fully authorised representative has the authority to act on your behalf. An authorised representative is permitted to make changes to your account or request new services on your behalf.

If you would like to discuss other authority options, please contact us via phone (1300 427 777) or email (

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Step 4: Privacy Agreement

* The Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) is comprised of Australian Gas Networks Limited ACN 078 551 685 (“AGN”), Multinet Gas Distribution Partnership ABN 53 634 214 009 acting on behalf of Multinet Gas (DB No 1) Pty Ltd ABN 66 086 026 986 and Multinet Gas (DB No 2) Pty Ltd ABN 57 086 230 122 (“Multinet”), DBNGP (WA) Nominees Pty Limited (ABN 78 081 609 289), as trustee of the DBNGP WA Pipeline Trust and AGI Development Group Pty Limited (DBP) and their related bodies corporate.

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Step 5: Confirmation

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