Time Expired Meter Replacement Program
Multinet Gas Networks tests a sample of gas meters each year to ensure they meet the accuracy limits specified by the Gas Distribution System Code.
If inaccuracies are identified amongst a particular model of gas meter, all meters of that type are removed from the network and replaced with a replacement meter at no cost to the customer. These are known as Time Expired Meters.
If your gas meter is affected you will receive a letter advising of the timeframe in which your meter will be exchanged along with information on how to relight appliances. You do not need to be home for your meter change as long as we can access your gas meter. If you are home our representative will relight your appliances. If we cannot access your gas meter or if you would prefer to be home the letter will provide details for you to make an appointment to have the meter changed at a time that suits you and allows you to have your relights completed.
If your meter is changed when you are not home, for safety reasons, your meter will be left switched off. You can use the “How to safely relight your appliances” card to assist you to turn on your appliances alternatively you can call 132 691 and we will send someone to assist you.

For further information on the Time Expired Meter Program, please contact us on 1300 887 501.