16 September 2020

AGIG supports Federal Government’s proposed strategic approach to new gas infrastructure

Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ben Wilson today welcomed the Federal government’s proposed strategic approach to planning new gas infrastructure, as has been done for electricity through the ISP process.

"In the short to medium term gas has a key role to play in keeping the lights on for millions of Australians, and in providing heat to homes and businesses across the country," Mr Wilson said.

"In the longer term, gas is 'low carbon today, zero carbon tomorrow'.

"Gas Vision 2050 outlines how the gas industry will decarbonise by 2050, if not well before, through a transition to renewable hydrogen and biogas.

"At the same time hydrogen has the potential to be a massive renewable export industry for Australia.

"We will continue to engage with the government on its proposals and we support the focus on affordability for domestic customers.”


About AGIG

Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) formed in May 2017 with the coming together of three businesses – Australian Gas Networks (AGN), Multinet Gas Networks (MGN) and Dampier to Bunbury Pipeline (DBP). AGIG owns and operates one of Australia’s largest gas infrastructure businesses with operations across every mainland state and the Northern Territory supplying approximately 2 million customers. Operations include 40,000km of gas distribution and transmission pipelines, 60 petajoules of gas storage capacity, gas processing facilities and remote power generation.

AGIG’s vision is to be the leading gas infrastructure business in Australia - by delivering for customers, being a good employer, and being sustainably cost efficient.


Gas Vision 2050

Gas Vision 2050 was released in mid-2017 with an objective of highlighting the role of gas today and the trajectory for decarbonising gas supply into the future through hydrogen and biomethane. It was followed in October 2019 by Hydrogen Innovation – Delivering on the Vision which outlined innovations in the gas industry that are progressing towards a decarbonised network.

Gas Vision 2050 set out three phases as to how the transition to a lower carbon gas supply system would occur. This included investing in pilot and demonstration plants in the first five years, blending low carbon gas into our networks in years 5-20 before shifting to potential conversion of entire networks.


For further information contact

Peter Kermode, Cannings Purple M (0411) 209 459 

Andrew Staniford, Chief Customer Officer, AGIG, T (08) 8418 1125  M (0438) 897 174