Remove any ignition sources and keep area clear of people and obstructions.

Contact our Faults and Emergencies team on 132-691 who will arrange someone to attend as soon as possible.

If you are concerned about safety please contact 000.

Contact our Faults and Emergencies team on 132-691 who will arrange someone to attend as soon as possible.

If you are concerned about safety please contact 000.

Multinet Gas assess each damage on a case by case basis. Charges may apply.


This is part of our commitment to the safety and reliability of your gas supply. The work involves replacing the old cast iron pipes and unprotected steel mains with polyethylene pipes.

Whilst a project can go on for several months, each property should experience only a single supply interruption of up to 8 hours to allow for the installation of the new pipe.

You will receive a letter drop notification at least 10 days prior to the interruption. A further reminder notice will be provided in your mailbox 24-48 hours before interruption to your supply. The second notification will provide you with the date of your interruption.

You do not need to be home during the works, but please ensure we have access to the gas meter and that street parking is minimised. If you are not at home when we restore your supply, a "How to safely turn on your gas supply" card will be left at your property providing instructions on how to relight your gas appliances. If you are not comfortable with relighting your appliances, please contact us on 132 691 when you return home and we will send someone to relight your services for you.

We leave the gas meter turned off in case an appliance was left turned on when we started the works. This ensures the safety of your property.

Once works are finished, a member of our contractor team will restore gas supply to your home and relight your appliances (if accessible). If you are not home, we will leave a clear step-by-step brochure at your property explaining how to safely turn on your gas supply and relight your appliances. If you are not comfortable with relighting your appliances, please contact us on 132 691 when you return home and we will send someone to relight your services for you.

No, if your current gas meter is operational it will be connected to the new pipes.

As we are upgrading the old assets they are required to be brought up to today's standards. Your gas service may be running underneath a structure or the position of your meter may no longer be deemed safe. In these cases you will be contacted to discuss a new meter position.

This test identifies if there are any leaks in your fitting line. We will perform this test only if we are moving the location of your gas meter. If there are leaks in your fitting line we are obligated to withdraw supply and you will need to get your own licensed gas fitter/plumber to rectify the issue.

For questions about reinstatements please refer to reinstatement section.


Where a permanent repair cant be completed immediately a temporary repair will be completed.

Any debris and/or excess soil will be cleared from the site as soon as practically possible. All holes will be filled and any hard surfaces (concrete, bitumen, paving, etc.) will be temporarily covered over with tar bitumen. This first step in the process allows for the ground to settle before permanent reinstatements occur.

Soft surfaces (such as lawns or gardens)

These are repaired normally 2 to 4 weeks after works are completed. Our Service Provider will return when the ground has settled to complete permanent reinstatement of soft surfaces (such as lawns and gardens). Any sunken soil will be topped up, grass seed applied to existing lawn areas and plants/trees replanted (where possible).

Hard Surfaces such as concrete or asphalt.

These are repaired normally 6 to 8 weeks after works are completed. Our Service Provider will return to permanently reinstate any final hard surfaces of concrete, asphalt, etc. Please note that while all attempts will be made to reinstate hard surfaces to resemble the original product, there will almost always be a colour difference in the final surface compared to that of the original (due to age).


Review your bill and contact your Gas Retailer who will explain the process.

There may be charges associated with providing a quote, and/or the relocation of the gas meter. Your Gas Retailer will detail these charges.

Your Gas meter may need to be relocated to make it compliant with the current Australian and Multinet Gas Network (MGN) standards. MGN will work with you to determine the most appropriate relocation. Please note: After relocation, the Installation must meet Australian and MGN standards.

Review your bill and contact your Gas Retailer who will explain the process.

In compliance with the gas distribution code and to ensure accuracy of your gas meter, meters are periodically changed.

We leave the gas meter turned off in case an appliance was left turned on when we started the works. This ensures the safety of your property.


If you ever find the service we provide is less than satisfactory, you can lodge a customer complaint by contacting us on 1300 887 501. We view each customer complaint as an improvement opportunity, and we will do our best to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

1. All complaints are allocated to a customer resolution staff member or appropriate agent.

2. Each complaint is logged into MGN’s complaint and customer relationship management systems.

3. Each complaint is then either resolved at the initial point of contact, or an investigation commenced to obtain further information prior to resolution. Note: This may require further discussions with the customer as well as discussion with staff from other company departments; or investigation and resolution by our Service Providers.

4. All complaints and enquiries will be treated seriously and respectfully.

5. At a minimum, customer queries and complaints will be acknowledged within 2 days.

6. MGN will endeavour to resolve or gain customer acceptance of an action plan within 5 days of receiving a customer’s complaint.

7. MGN will complete the action plan by the date agreed with the customer.

8. If a complaint is unresolved, then in the agreed time frame the customer can request the complaint be escalated to a Senior Customer Resolutions staff member to assess.

9. If a complaint remains unresolved to the customer’s satisfaction, even after the escalation process, the customer may contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman of Victoria (EWOV). EWOV receives, investigates and facilitates the resolution of electricity and gas complaints raised by customers. This is an independent service and is free of charge. Multinet Gas Networks will always advise the customer that they may escalate unresolved issues to the EWOV; and provide the customer with the EWOV’s contact information.