Submit a Claim

submit a claim

Customer Property Damage Claim

In the rare occurrence of damage to property as a result of a gas network fault, you can lodge a claim for compensation by completing our online Customer Claim Form below, or by mailing your completed Claim Form to us.

If your claim meets the appropriate gas code regulations, we will compensate you, or if it is deemed you are not entitled to the full compensation, we will consider your claim in accordance with any other applicable law.

All compensation payments are on the basis of reasonable repair costs or fair market value for replacement. We do not provide compensation on a new-forold basis.


Gas Fault Claims

Please be advised that:

1 The provision of this form by Multinet Gas does not constitute and should not be relied upon as constituting any admission of liability by Multinet Gas to any of the matters alleged by you.

2 To expedite Multinet Gas’s review of your claim, please ensure you provide sufficient evidence to support your claim. Multinet Gas’s investigations will not commence until all such information has been received.


Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

What are your personal details

Residential Address
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Tell us about the incident

Incident address

Incident Details
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Detail the particulars of the claim

Having regard to the matters set out above, including the evidentiary requirements, please provide details (including documentation) in support of your claim.

Note: Evidence must be submitted to progress your claim. Supporting evidence can be either a quote, invoice or assessment by a qualified and registered trades person with relevant ABN and business details noted on the paperwork.

Claim 1

Claim 2

Claim 3
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Important information

When required, Multinet Gas will assess claims relating to a network fault in accordance with the Gas Distribution System Code v11 issued by the Essential Services Commission of Victoria (ESC).

A copy of the code is available on request; or can be viewed on the Essential Services Commission’s website:

It is your responsibility to arrange repairs or obtain repair quotes. Any costs incurred will be your responsibility until a full assessment of your claim has occurred. Multinet Gas may be unable to accept responsibility for claims that are a result of causes outside of its control.


(Please read carefully)
By signing this form, you acknowledge that:

  • The information you have provided is true and accurate. Your claim may be refused if information is deemed untrue or incorrect
  • Delays may occur in processing your claim if insufficient evidence has been submitted
  • You are the owner of the damaged appliance(s) identified in this form and no other person(s) will make a claim against Multinet Gas for the same incident
  • Personal information collected on this form will be used to process and administer your claim
  • Your personal information may be shared with our contracted service providers or third parties (eg repairer/assessor) for the purpose of claim assessment, and you consent to this disclosure
  • The claim process may also involve the collection of additional personal information regarding the claim from a third party (ie repairer/assessor) and you consent to this collection and disclosure
  • Your personal information may be contained in reports commissioned by Multinet Gas to process your claim. These reports are the sole property of Multinet Gas
    Note: Full details on how your personal information (including sensitive) may be used, handled or disclosed by us and how you may request access to your personal information is contained in our Privacy Policy at
  • You have read and submitted all pages in this Multinet Gas Claim Form
  • Multinet Gas reserves its right at law.
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